Hana Marritz

Through the Goddess Portal:
A Return to Love

This presentation is now available!


Hana Marritz is a working artist and has been an art teacher in the NYC public schools. She is the author of seven children’s books about nature, illustrated with photographs.

Hana met the patriarchy very early in life, first through Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia, her birthplace, and then through her nighttime escape as she, her mother, and her sister fled through the woods over a mountain to escape the communists. That trauma informed her life long quest for the truth of who we truly are and led her to the magic of the divine feminine — the goddess.

Hana is a practitioner of shamanism, reiki healing, energy healing, mediumship and channeling. She has been a devotee of nature and the divine feminine her whole life.

Hana’s Free Gift To You

Free Gift #1:

Following Through the Goddess Portal

A FREE Webinar with Hana Marritz

It’s happening on June 23rd, 2024 from 1 - 2 pm New York time!

There is no need to register, simply click the Zoom link below to join us on June 23rd at 1 pm New York time.

Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89058897070?pwd=9NKuKlKAmdhywqiK3vY39Vby28tVQl.1

Meeting ID: 890 5889 7070
Passcode: 976596

Free Gift #2:

The Goddess Confronts the Patriarchy

Art reveals that, long ago, God was a Goddess — Creator of the Universe.

She embodied the Mystery and Magic of Life itself and drove the life cycles of Birth, Death, and Rebirth!

Encounter her mystery through cave paintings and discover the magic of her icons.

Click here to claim this free gift!