Ilarion Merculieff

The Gift of the Heart

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Ilarion Merculieff is a member of the Unangan tribe, also known as the Aleuts of Alaska. Ilarion was raised on St. Paul Island in the Bering Sea and as a 4-year-old was given his Unangan tribal name “Kuyuux”. There is only one Kuyuux in each lifetime and he was given this name by an older Kuyuux who came looking for a child to bear his name. It means a bridge, a messenger, a carrier of ancient wisdom.

As a teenager, he was sent to Western schools run by the US government. He climbed the corporate ladder to become co-chair of 17 boards and councils until he decided to leave the corporate world for good. Since then, he has been living the legacy of his traditional name Kuyuux.

He is now president of the Global Center for Indigenous Leadership and Lifeways (GCILL) and co-founder and ongoing key speaker of the Wisdom Weavers of the World.

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