Kathy Forest
Teach Your Children Well:
Using The Female Body the Way It Was Intended
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Kathy Forest, MS, CHt, is a psychotherapist, master energy healer, teacher, speaker, and transformational life coach. She is also a wild-woman High Priestess who has been training women in the arts of the Feminine Mysteries and Priestessing the Planet.
For over 30 years, she has been assisting women (and the men who love them) to deeply transform their lives through soul healing down to the cellular level. She is currently on a mission to assist individuals to fully embody their Souls, so they can access the gifts we all need to make it through this transitional time with grace.
She is the founder and owner of Celestial Forest Institute of Energy Healing and Shamanic Studies. You can learn more about her on her website: www.celestialforestinstitute.com or www.KathyForest.com.
Kathy’s Free Gift To You
The Pillars of the Feminine Mysteries
A 7-module mini-series designed to give you everything to get you started on the path of the Mysteries of the Feminine Body.
Instructions, tools, and recipes are all included!