Lila Lieberman
Preparing the Vessel for Initiation
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Lila Lieberman has been working with medicinal plants and indigenous ways of healing since 1996. Beginning her journey in the Atacama Desert of Peru, she later initiated as 'Sangoma', a traditional healer and seer in the Shona tradition of South Africa in 2012. She has spent many years engaging cultural wisdom and plants in a medicinal capacity, both academically and culturally.
Her focus is on the living library held within the mineral, plant, microbial, animal, and spirit kingdoms, examining how their collaboration activates valuable pathways within us and holds profound capacities for new perception and creative medicinal feedback.
Lila explores the spectrum of cultural ways, rites, passages, and ceremonies that open these channels of learning. Her academic background includes a B.A. in Anthropology and Linguistics with an Honors in Transpersonal Psychology and Philosophy, and a Diploma in Integral Coaching.
Lila’s Free Gift To You
The Five Pillars of Medicine Introductory Booklet
The introductory booklet to The Five Pillars of Medicine holds the initial teachings of this body of knowledge.
This knowledge can be put into action simply in our lives and inspire a deepening and enriching connection with all elements of the natural world.
The booklet shares the origin of the teachings and an overview of The Cedar Teachings and The Five Pillars of Medicine.