Welcome to the Through the Goddess Portal Global Video Conference!

Within about ten minutes, you’ll receive an email explaining exactly how to get the most out of this groundbreaking event.

In the meantime, I’d like to share a very special one-time opportunity with you ...

All interviews in Through The Goddess Portal are packed with wisdom and insight, much of it very new, and are designed to inspire, heal, excite, open up, and take you on a fabulous journey.

Here are some of the topics explored:

  • Accessing Indigenous mind

  • guidance for chaotic times

  • becoming co-creators of an enlightened world

  • Awakening the mother-goddess powers and ethic

  • Heal womb wounding through the Blood Mysteries

  • Release your super powers of co-creation

  • Access your Heart Wisdom

  • Discover who you truly are

  • Rediscover the power of your wildness

  • Join in transforming this cosmic moment

  • Awaken the Mother Goddess in you

  • Access the super power of trauma

  • Become a cosmic storyteller

If you know you’d like to attend the Through the Goddess POrtal Global Video Conference at your own pace and have permanent, downloadable access to all of the interviews and presentations, even after the event has ended …

From this page only, you can UPGRADE to Unlimited Lifetime Access for the full set of interviews for only $55.

This is a lower price than you’ll find at any other time or on any other page.

Through the Goddess Portal
Unlimited Lifetime Access Pricing:

(Purchase early for the best value!)

From this page only: $55 ** Lowest Price **

Pre-Event Price — Through May 21st: $77

Mid-Event Price — Through May 24th: $99

Post-Event Price — Starting on May 25th: $222

When you upgrade, you’ll receive downloadable video files of each interview to keep in your personal collection.

You can watch again and again, whenever you’re in need of consciousness-shifting guidance and inspiration.

MEET OUR BRILLIANT SPEAKERS — All included in your Unlimited Lifetime Access!

Hana Marritz

Through the Goddess Portal:
A Return to Love

Jocelyn Star Feather

Why Do the Gods & Goddesses of Egypt Speak to Us So Strongly at This Time?

Barbara Hudak

Heart Coherence Supports Our Divine Alignment

Anne Baring, Ph.D.

Reclaiming the Image of the Goddess


Jane Hardwicke Collings

How Can We Be the Women the Earth Needs Now?

Jude Currivan, Ph.D.

Awakening of Humanity:
The Dawning of a New Earth & Unitive Age

Ilarion Merculieff

The Gift of the Heart

Elizabeth Wood

A New Galactic Cycle in Unprecedented Times


Daniel Scranton

Ascension is About Embracing the Divine Feminine

Lila Lieberman

Preparing the Vessel for Initiation

Lisa Brown

What the Animals Are Here to Teach Us

Eimear Stassin

Awakening the Irish Witch


Tayria Ward, Ph.D.

Recovering Dream Thinking & The Indigenous Mind

Catalina Rivera Dois

Blood Mysteries for Modern-Day Women & The New Earth

Dr. Veselka Nikolova

A Journey to Remembrance:
We All Hold the Seed Memory

John Lockley

Befriending the Divine Feminine


Heather Ensworth, Ph.D.

Guides to Higher Consciousness and A New Earth:
Sedna & Xena

Mary Reynolds Thompson

Following the Way of the Wild Soul Woman

Jyoti Ma

How Prophesy Is Instructing the New Dawn

Kathy Forest

Teach Your Children Well: Using The Female Body the Way It Was Intended

You definitely won’t find this unique panel of speakers and wisdom keepers anywhere else!

Purchase now to ensure you receive the highest value for your investment!

Let these stories become a guide for you in understanding these times and these changes, and an opportunity to find new ways of being — opening new paths forward, and becoming quantum co-creators of a new earth and a new Homo Luminous.

Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to keep all 20 interviews and presentations from the THrough the Goddess POrtal Global Video Conference, permanently in your personal collection.

Here’s How Unlimited Lifetime Access Works:

  • With this purchase, you will gain exclusive downloadable video Unlimited Lifetime Access to all 20 interviews & presentations so you can watch them as many times as you wish.

  • Download them and keep them permanently in your personal collection.

  • Return to these interviews again and again, whenever you are seeking ideas, guidance, new perspectives, and inspiration.

  • Learn, explore, and be inspired by these brilliant speakers — perfect for group discussions!

  • Interviews & presentations will be posted to the exclusive Unlimited Lifetime Access page within 48 hours (2 days) after they initially air during the Through the Goddess Portal Global Video Conference.

Meet Your Host,
Hana Marritz

Since early childhood, I have been a creator — creating a world of animals and plants where I felt safe, nurtured, and connected to the mystery and joy of existence, far from the violence and fear of the patriarchal realm I felt all around me. Art has been my intimate companion all along. Being a practicing artist my whole life, I have shared the freedom and joy it brings through teaching others.

I have explored my roots and followed my ancestors while following the breadcrumbs left by the goddess through Czech fairytales, the practice of shamanism, visiting ancient sites, and studying the art and artifacts left by the ancient ones. I followed their voices and those of the plants, animals, spirits, and elements. My explorations have continued through the practices of reiki, energy healing, mediumship, and channeling.

Come! Let’s create a New World together!